Below you’ll find some information about my experience at Microsoft, and BizzWithBuzz. I’ve also included some bits about my favorite projects.

Work Experience


  • Data Oriented Development: Enhanced telemetry using Azure Monitor, and through the development of Kusto logs and dashboards. Used new data to make priority decisions.

  • Incident Detection and Resolution: Performed many on-call shifts. Detected incidents with Kusto and SQL. Ensured SLA by mitigating and resolving high-priority incidents with internal tooling. Wrote postmortems and implemented permanent bug fixes with C#.

  • Performance Testing Suite: Developed an autonomous performance testing suite in C# to measure and record service performance in RPS. Integrated with existing CI/CD pipelines to ensure future builds don’t regress.

  • Security Improvements: Discovered vulnerabilities through experimentation and reproduction of external tips. Implemented critical security fixes for the service with C#.

  • Service Upgrades Coordination: Coordinated and executed internal and external service upgrades with internal deployment tools. Planned updates up to a year in advance with monthly and quarterly releases.

  • Comprehensive Testing: Achieved complete coverage by creating end-to-end and unit tests in C#. Set the organizational standard for testing.

  • Feature Design and Implementation: Spearheaded the design of multiple user facing features in C#. Collaborated with other teams to ensure alignment with user needs and timely delivery.


  • User Interface Design: Created user friendly and visually appealing UI’s for customers.

  • Cloud Management: Managed and deployed websites to AWS, ensured optimal performance, security, and up-time.

  • Collaboration and Problem-Solving: Worked with team members to troubleshoot and improve website functionality.



  • Designed a custom library to interface with the QMC5883L Compass on Pico microcontrollers.

  • Developed functionality for calibration to ensure accurate magnetic field and azimuth readings.

  • Focused on creating a user-friendly API with comprehensive documentation for ease of use.


  • Produced a peer-to-peer web based messaging system with Flask.

  • Engineered with the Python Cryptography library to be fully encrypted, and password protected.

  • Created local data storage with SQLite3.

Camera Calculator

  • Designed and developed a web application using React and Python capable of parsing pictures of handwritten equations, and returning a solution.

  • Implemented a neural network in python to recognize mathematical equations via camera input.

  • Developed a Lexical parser in Python to parse input provided by the neural network.

Fast Fourier Transforms

  • Developed a library containing multi-threaded discrete Fourier Transforms functions in C++.

  • Implemented functionality to extract specific musical pitches from WAV files using the discrete Fourier Transforms.

  • Designed a testing suite to compare Fourier Transform algorithms, and find the best approach to multi-threading them.


  • Built a generational neural network from scratch in Python to play the classic game Snake autonomously.

  • Leveraged reinforcement learning principles to train the AI agent on game strategies, improving performance through generations.

  • Managed neural network structure, game logic, and matrix computations to enhance decision-making and adaptability over time.